The Reformed Analysis

June 2000


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      Furthermore, the instructors were local ministers of the Christian religion, which at that time was the only valid and accepted religion. Every aspect of life revolved around the Scriptures as the Standard of Truth and knowledge. The reading material used in these schools were mainly books of the Christian religion. Reading, writing, economics, social skills, history, character development and political science were all taught using the Holy Scriptures as text. By 1763 most of the people in the colonies could read because of these "free schools", which they were called.

      It was this era that produced some of the most learned and brilliant men. It is a sad testimony that there has yet to be the emergence of true, Godly leaders, emerging from the statist system of education like there were in the days of the Colonies. Instead, today's education system assembles self-absorbed technocrates, and money mongering bureaucrats, unleashing them onto a people "dumbed-down" by the very system they had looked to for knowledge.
      After a 1982 study estimated that of the 27 million
illiterates in the nation, most of them were produced by the federally funded, public education system. As a result of that finding, federal funding for public education doubled. After ten years, in 1992, there was no significant change in the horrific statistics. Today there are more than 45 million functioning illiterates in the nation. There can be no arguing, the federally funded, education system is destroying the hope of this, and future generations.


      It has been clearly documented that the religion of Christ is purposely kept from children in the public school system. In an attempt to de-Christianize the nation, all kinds of vain traditions, and philosophies of man have become accepted. Every form of humanistic religion from "New Age Occultism" to "Darwinism" has been the agenda to further paganize the education system. Of course many of these doctrines are carefully camouflaged, and taught unobtrusively, nevertheless, they are pervasive in every area of learning.
      The American parents have bought into the lie that the public system of education is on "par with excellence" and that no other system can compare. Nothing can be further from the truth.
God expressly warns all Covenant Christians to stay clear of the "gods of the nations round about them" .

  "Thou shalt make no covenant with them, [the non- Christian inhabitants of the land] nor with their gods.
   They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin
against me: for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee. "
   (Exodus 23:32-33 AV)

      Whenever God is removed from any institution or society, chaos sets in.
A further study of the early Colonial days teach us that during this period those who were educated, read extensively  from both Shakespeare and the Holy Scriptures. Thomas Jefferson, while chairman of the Board of Education in Washington D.C., declared that the two primary text books for the Colonial schools would be the Bible and Watts Hymnal. It must be noted here that although Jefferson is used by the liberal humanists to separate church and state, it clearly was never Jefferson's intention to have such a separation. The separation of church and state is a complete "myth".
      In an effort to convince the Danbury Baptist Association that their religious liberties were secure against statist interference, Jefferson claimed that there would be a "wall of separation, between church and state".

"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God; that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship; that the legislative powers of the government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people, which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."
      There is absolutely no indication, from this declaration, that Jefferson sought to prohibit the Christian religion from being exercised in the social arena. What this statement restricts is government interference with the free exercise of the Christian faith. The entire thrust of all Jefferson's statements, programs, and policies was in defense of the Christian faith, and its promotion domestically in America.
      History itself proves that all of Jefferson's intentions fully supported the Christian faith, and the advancement of Religious liberty. It was never Jefferson's purpose to remove the Christian religion from education or government.

"I have always said, and always will say, that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens."                 Thomas Jefferson

continued on page 3





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