The Reformed Analysis

November-December 2000


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Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 

(Galatians 6:7 AV)

Even without the condemnation of the public educational system by the Biblical data, the obvious results of the system is evident to the common man. The statist system of education has brought forth both academic, as well as moral, destruction upon the nation’s youth. Godless programs will always bring forth godless results.

In any situation, the outcome is determined by the forces applied to that situation. For instance, if pumpkin seeds are sown in a field, then pumpkins will grow. Likewise, tomato seeds beget tomatoes, lettuce begets lettuce, corn brings forth corn and so on. The same principle holds true in the animal kingdom. Dogs deliver dogs, and cats deliver cats. One would be quite surprised to see a chicken delivering a litter of rabbits. Therefore, it is evident that there is an order in the universe which we can identify as the Law of the Harvest.

In the realm of education the same law reigns supreme. When evil, anti-Christian precepts are expounded and enforced upon children, the result is anti Christian. Whenever the educational process omits God, or teaches that God is not the Author of all Wisdom and Knowledge, then education becomes vain learning. The omission of Godly Truth will only bring forth godless learning. Godless learning will result in godless behavior.

One objection that is often raised concerning the educational process is that academics are neutral. With this mindset, mathematics is an amoral issue, as is history and reading. Yet, this very argument itself is full of anti-Biblical presumptions.

Since God is Creator and Lawgiver, all that exists must be interpreted by Him. It is only through His Law, and the knowledge of Himself, that mankind finds meaning and direction. For example, in the case of mathematics,
2 + 2 equals 4 and the publicly educated student may learn this accurately. He may know that 2 + 2 = 4, but he will never know WHY! Unless the student is taught through the precepts of God’s Law Order, His Word of Truth, he may know the WHAT and the WHERE, but he will never know the WHY. Like science and history, mathematics displays the Glorious characteristics of God. Not only are absolute facts learned through these subjects, but God’s order and logic is expressed. The statist system emphasizes facts without the understanding of God’s beautifully orchestrated truths which are clearly set forth in all disciplines. Of a truth, the “people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”


Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 

(1 Timothy 4:1-2 AV)


According to The Blumenfeld Education Letter, (March 1995), Samuel Blumenfeld reports that the increase in public school violence and evil is a direct consequence to the godless training in the educational system. Upon the front page of each newsletter, Blumenfeld sets forth the purpose of his work:

"The purpose of this newsletter is to provide knowledge for parents who want to save the children of America from the destructive forces that endanger them. Our children in the public schools are at grave risk in 4 ways: academically, spiritually, morally, and physically; and only a well-informed public will be able to reduce these risks. ‘Without vision, the people perish." *

Mr. Blumenfeld clearly understands the severity of the situation. In his 8 page March letter, he lists a variety of situations which have taken place across the country in High Schools and Universities. These documented facts include, drug abuse, drug arrests, the promotion of high school sexual activity by student editors of the 1994 Lexington Mass. yearbook staff, student murders, parent murders, the raping of a 6 year old child, the raping of peers, gang raping, public classroom suicide, aggravated assault, assault with a knife, assault with a gun, assault with a baseball bat, assault with a steel rod, manslaughter, and conspiracy to injure another through deceitful and violent means.

It must be clearly understood that these violent acts of the physical nature are merely outward consequences of the sinful educational process. Compared to the entire destruction of the generations that pass through the public anti-Christian school system, these acts of violence are minimal. Moreover, when compared to the eternal consequences which the anti-Christian educational system propagates by rebelling against Wisdom Himself, these crimes are less than nothing.




continued on page 3





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* The Blumenfeld Letter, March, 1995 Vol. 10, No. 3 Letter 102 PO Box 45161, Boise Idaho 83711 Phone: (208) 322-4440
