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We invite you to listen to the:

Old Fashioned Christian Music Channel

of Grand Prairie, Texas
run by Mr. Michael McFadden









The Christian Music Archival Society is a Christian Music Library dedicated to archiving, restoring, maintaining and distributing the conservative Sacred Classical and Christian church music that glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.


It is our Christian duty and obligation, (as well as our right, under the law of God and man,) to Procure, Preserve, Protect, Provide, Promote and Possess that which we call Christian Music, for it is our Christian cultural, historical and musical heritage. We must retain and defend this style and scope of music for the teaching, edification and blessing of our children, ourselves, and our posterity.

By God’s mercy, and in His strength, this we will do.








If you share my passion for beautiful, unique, rare and/or out of print Sacred Classical and Christian music, I invite you to join me in these efforts. I am currently requesting contributions of 33 1/3 LP record albums, cassette tapes and CD’s. These may be individual single copies or collections. The quality of the condition is not of extreme importance, however, very badly scratched or damaged materials are frequently deemed unusable.

I am also inviting financial contributions to help support this work, but because CMAS is not a non-profit, tax-exempt organization or corporation, no tax deduction receipts can or will be provided. Any gifts that you feel led of the Lord to provide must be just that: a gift from one individual to another, without tangible benefit or return. I cannot sell or exchange restored music product for money without going into business, which I am not able to do at his time. My answer to the promotion and distribution aspect of this project is to broadcast this music via the internet in streaming Mp3 audio format.

This is a major undertaking, and one which must be supported by the will of God to succeed. But your financial support is greatly needed, and deeply appreciated, as the expense of this endeavor can easily exceed my budget.

The fruit of this labor will be realized as more and more people gain access to and use the internet for the purpose of listening to music, much as we do the radio. I believe that the quality and popularity of streaming music on the internet will increase dramatically as we move forward technologically.

Please write to me to discuss our mutual ideas and concerns in this area.

Christ’s servant,

David Sonner





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September 15, 2006

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