The Reformed Analysis       July 2000

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         Where has America gone wrong? Godless government has denied the “Life’s Blood” of the Word of God to the people of this nation. In an unceasing effort to oppress and rule with an iron fist of power, the Leviathan of the State has viciously taken away the only moorings for a free society. Where the State could not remove the Christian
religion, it either perverted it, or grossly limited it from its needful influence.

Noah Webster wrote, concerning education and government:

“The Christian Religion is the most important, and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed. No truth is more evident that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”

What Webster was in fact declaring, was that any government that does not support the Christian Religion, from dominating education and civil affairs, is not concerned about freedom at all. If we read between the lines, Webster is stating that those governments that suppress the “most important, and primary elements of instruction,” namely Christian principles,” to the nation’s children, cannot be a nation of liberty and righteousness. Therefore, if we properly assess our present situation in these United States, we must sadly conclude that we no longer live in a land of liberty, but rather under the rule of tyrants and despots.

Jeremiah was told by the LORD to seek the old paths. The old paths are the Holy Scriptures. It was here where the Good way of Liberty and Righteous Judgment could be found. The Founders understood this because they understood the Scriptures, and embraced God’ s Commission.

Unfortunately the church wants nothing to do with the old paths, and the challenges that God commands for the church. Today’s modern church would rather hide in the midst of a myriad of church programs rather than to fight against ungodly education, and unlawful government encroachment. They have rather sought the “broad way” of comfort and ease, and have loved the smooth messages from the pulpits that assure them “peace, peace” when in fact there is no peace.

It is a rare occurrence when a clergyman, or for that matter, an entire church body, boldly stands against both religious and national wickedness. To stand against evil in word only is one thing. To stand against evil in deed is quite another.

May God be pleased to equip the Church, and those in civil office, to campaign, without fear, against the evils of our day.


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The Reformed Analysis is written by Pastor Paul Michael Raymond of the Reformed Bible Church 
c/o PO Box 2397 Appomattox VA. 24522  
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The Reformed Analysis is a Ministry of the Reformed Bible Institute For Christian Education





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