The Reformed Analysis       November-December 2000

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If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. 

(John 8:36 AV)


The term liberal education, or liberal arts is used often in the community of Schools, Colleges and Universities. But what is inferred by that term? The word liberal is derived from the Latin word liber, which is translated as free. Therefore, to be schooled in a liberal education is to be schooled in the principles of the freedom that education brings.

As early as the days of the Greek city-states and throughout the era of the Roman Empire, to be educated was the mark of a free man. Education was therefore the academics of freedom through proper knowledge. Although the education of these nations was not Christian, it was religious. Rushdoony raises a question as to what constitutes freedom, and what is the ground of man‘s freedom?

“The question is thus inevitably a philosophical and religious question, and all the more religious in Western culture because of the influence of Christianity.”



The idea of education and freedom in the early Americas was synonymous. In the Colonies, and later in America, education was Christian. Historically, this idea was cited clearly in such documents as the 1663 Fundamental Constitutions of the Carolinas:

“No man shall be permitted to be a free man of Carolina, or to have any estate of habitation within it that doth not acknowledge a God, and that God is publicly and solemnly to be worshipped.”


On June 21, 1776 John Adams stated:

"Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for liberty; but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our People, in a greater measure, than they have it now, they may change their Rules and the forms of Government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty.”

If the Principles of the Christian faith are omitted and denied the children in the educational process, then true freedom will be lost. America’s modern educators expound Marxist and evolutionary theories in order to dumb down a generation into blind submission to the Messianic Statist Power. Original American education and secular humanism are contrary terms, which conflict and antagonize one another. The teaching that passes for education today is nothing more than carefully selected academic propaganda, designed to bring a people into the snare of bondage and tyranny.

The only hope for the reinstitution of Christian Ideals and Godly Principles lies in the glorious efforts of those God-fearing parents, who refuse to render to Caesar those children that belong to God.





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The Reformed Analysis is written by 
Pastor Paul Michael Raymond 
of the 
Reformed Bible Church 

PO Box 2397 Appomattox VA. 24522
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The Reformed Analysis is a Ministry of the Reformed Bible Institute For Christian Education





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